While the timing, scope, and resources for each program may vary, they all help move the organization forward.
• ZinnHouse designed, developed, delivered, and trained leaders of an interfaith nonprofit in their signature program, Faces of Faith.
Below are some of the events from my former work.
Sunday, March 19, 2017 – 12:30 pm
Presenting Pa$$over: Freedom from $ at Limmud Michigan, New Student Center, Wayne State University
Resistance to examining our relationship to money is a form of slavery. When 47% of survey respondents say they would have a hard time raising $400 in an emergency, the topic deserves national attention. (The Atlantic Monthly 2016) We need to transform how we think about and use money. But we won’t do so until we start talking. A new Passover Haggadah for 2017, Pa$$over: Freedom from Money, gets the conversation going. Let’s face the deep source — not symptoms — of our hangups with money.
Thursday, DEC 1st, 2016 – 7:30 pm
Interfaith World AIDS Day Service
at Church of the Good Shepherd,
Ann Arbor, MI Directions.
Saturday, NOV 5th, 2016.
Religion Education Association
Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
My workshop, The Method Behind the Mystery: How to Celebrate Holidays in an Interspiritual Age, shows how we can break free of the gridlock between tradition and diversity to create new traditions for a global culture.
Friday, OCT 22, 2016. 6-9 pm
MOVIE NIGHT, ZinnHouse, Ann Arbor
We are watching the 1936 film, FURY, by the famous Viennese immigrant filmmaker, Fritz Lang as preparation for evaluating the presidential election.
Sunday, OCT 9, 2016. 10:45 am-12:15 pm Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth, Ann Arbor, MI
Watch the VIDEO of Rev. Dr. Lauren Zinn leading the experiential-worship program, Interspiritual Day of Forgiveness, inspired by the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Forgiveness — one of the most powerful transformational practices for those on a spiritual path — is approached through a multi-faith lens. Learn how time-tested tools from our diverse religions can offer us guidance today.
Thursday, OCT 6, 2016. 7 pm
Crazy Wisdom, Ann Arbor, MI
Rev. Dr. Lauren Zinn joins a panel discussion on the positive role interfaith dialogue and deep listening can play in overcoming our fears of the other.
If you missed this, read here.
© 2016 ZinnHouse