Jodorowsky’s Dune

This is an image from the movie poster for Jodorowsky's Dune. It is graphic novel like picture of the planet in the story.MOVIE GUIDE. This enlightening, insightful documentary is about a movie so far ahead of its time that we are only now catching up to its prescient message of global citizenship. I showed this film to my students and their parents. They ALL loved it! (Here’s my review.)

This Guide introduces integral philosophy’s hierarchy of consciousness and asks students to discuss the film accordingly. Teachers do not need training in integral philosophy, only an o p e n mind.

Excerpts from this Movie Guide:

Compare the Judeo-Christian idea of an individual as the coming or returning Messiah with the idea of a whole planet as the Messiah. Does this idea have the potential to change the way people think about religion? the world? kosmos? themselves?… Do films have the power to change our minds about how we see the world and what we value? How has this film changed or not changed your views?

Recommended Age: 13 and up
Length: 10 pages 

NOTE: This Guide does not include the DVD; you can find it at your library, through a streaming service, or for purchase on Amazon as Blu-ray or DVD.

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